details: 'green is obsessed with nipples'

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General information

Mini Map


team 1
Random» Humanhiliahili (blue | 58 APM | 1124 actions | 19:21)
Hero icon 5 Archmage
Ability icon 2 Blizzard
Ability icon 1 Brilliance Aura
Ability icon 2 Summon Water Elemental

» actions
Assign group hotkey45
Build / train62
Enter build submenu20
Enter hero's abilities submenu5
Remove unit from queue3
Right click430
Select / deselect202
Select group hotkey288
Use ability69
1124 total
» units
Mortar Team12
33 total
» upgrades
Lumber Harvesting2
Sorceress Training2
Fragmentation Shards1
11 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings1
Lumber Mill1
Arcane Vault1
Arcane Sanctum1
Scout Tower5
Guard Tower3
26 total
» build order
00:11 Altar of Kings
00:21 Lumber Mill
00:36 Farm
00:54 Farm
01:05 Barracks
01:35 Farm
02:00 Farm
02:22 Arcane Vault
03:00 Blacksmith
04:07 Keep
05:33 Farm
05:36 Farm
06:38 Castle
06:44 Workshop
06:45 Workshop
06:49 Arcane Sanctum
08:55 Farm
08:56 Farm
12:49 Scout Tower
12:51 Scout Tower
12:54 Scout Tower
14:27 Guard Tower
14:29 Guard Tower
14:30 Guard Tower
14:37 Scout Tower
14:38 Scout Tower
18:23 Guard Tower
» items
Scroll of Regeneration3
Scroll of Town Portal1
4 total
Orcscoty_d (green | 22 APM | 462 actions | 21:12)
Hero icon 4 Blademaster
Ability icon 2 Wind Walk
Ability icon 2 Critical Strike
Hero icon 1 Shadow Hunter
Ability icon 1 Serpent Ward

» actions
Basic commands10
Build / train42
Enter build submenu23
Enter hero's abilities submenu5
Right click140
Select / deselect181
Use ability61
462 total
» units
Wind Rider10
28 total
» upgrades
Ranged Weapons1
2 total
» buildings
Orc Burrow6
Altar of Storms1
Voodoo Lounge1
War Mill1
Watch Tower7
Spirit Lodge1
22 total
» build order
00:05 Orc Burrow
00:08 Altar of Storms
00:59 Barracks
01:37 Orc Burrow
01:49 Voodoo Lounge
02:11 War Mill
03:41 Stronghold
04:12 Watch Tower
04:31 Watch Tower
04:42 Orc Burrow
04:48 Orc Burrow
05:23 Watch Tower
06:17 Fortress
06:27 Beastiary
07:02 Beastiary
07:58 Spirit Lodge
09:05 Watch Tower
12:31 Watch Tower
12:35 Watch Tower
15:08 Orc Burrow
15:40 Orc Burrow
17:48 Watch Tower
» items
Healing Salve2
Orb of Lightning1
3 total
OrcNobuuNaga (yellow | 52 APM | 611 actions | 11:41)
Hero icon 3 Far Seer
Ability icon 2 Feral Spirit
Ability icon 1 Chain Lighting
Hero icon 2 Dark Ranger
Ability icon 1 Black Arrow
Ability icon 1 Life Drain

» actions
Assign group hotkey5
Build / train44
Enter build submenu13
Enter hero's abilities submenu5
Remove unit from queue1
Right click292
Select / deselect191
Select group hotkey5
Use ability55
611 total
» units
Troll Batrider9
24 total
» upgrades
Ranged Weapons2
3 total
» buildings
Altar of Storms1
Orc Burrow4
Voodoo Lounge1
War Mill1
12 total
» build order
00:08 Altar of Storms
00:10 Orc Burrow
01:35 Stronghold
01:35 Stronghold
01:54 Voodoo Lounge
02:02 Orc Burrow
02:24 War Mill
04:56 Beastiary
05:25 Beastiary
06:46 Orc Burrow
07:49 Orc Burrow
09:07 Fortress
» items
Potion of Healing1
Lesser Clarity Potion3
Healing Salve1
5 total
Humangansixiaoriben (red | 35 APM | 693 actions | 19:32)
Hero icon 5 Mountain King
Ability icon 2 Storm Bolt
Ability icon 3 Bash

» actions
Assign group hotkey3
Build / train57
Enter build submenu20
Enter hero's abilities submenu5
Give item / drop item1
Right click230
Select / deselect121
Select group hotkey228
Use ability28
693 total
» units
Gryphon Rider8
30 total
» upgrades
Lumber Harvesting2
Animal War Training1
Long Rifles1
Storm Hammers1
14 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings1
Arcane Vault1
Lumber Mill1
Gryphon Aviary1
22 total
» build order
00:24 Altar of Kings
00:39 Farm
01:18 Farm
01:31 Barracks
01:57 Farm
02:34 Blacksmith
02:40 Farm
03:20 Farm
03:24 Keep
03:52 Arcane Vault
04:05 Farm
04:43 Farm
05:27 Lumber Mill
05:35 Farm
05:48 Castle
06:34 Gryphon Aviary
07:59 Farm
08:44 Farm
09:40 Farm
10:27 Farm
11:08 Farm
11:54 Farm
» items
Orb of Fire1
Scroll of Regeneration2
Boots of Speed1
Circlet of Nobility1
5 total
team 2
HumanCoatStoleXmas (teal | 52 APM | 1105 actions | 21:12)
Hero icon 6 Blood Mage
Ability icon 3 Flame Strike
Ability icon 2 Siphon Mana
Ability icon 1 Summon Phoenix

» actions
Assign group hotkey42
Basic commands25
Build / train65
Enter build submenu31
Enter hero's abilities submenu6
Give item / drop item1
Remove unit from queue1
Right click472
Select / deselect275
Select group hotkey94
Use ability93
1105 total
» units
Dragonhawk Rider8
28 total
» upgrades
Lumber Harvesting2
Sorceress Training1
Magic Sentry1
Animal War Training1
13 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings1
Lumber Mill2
Arcane Vault1
Town Hall1
Scout Tower13
Guard Tower3
Gryphon Aviary2
Arcane Sanctum2
Arcane Tower1
37 total
» build order
00:53 Altar of Kings
00:55 Barracks
01:00 Barracks
01:05 Farm
01:08 Farm
01:12 Farm
02:16 Farm
02:46 Lumber Mill
03:12 Arcane Vault
03:56 Keep
05:36 Town Hall
05:40 Scout Tower
05:41 Scout Tower
05:43 Scout Tower
05:43 Scout Tower
06:43 Castle
06:45 Blacksmith
06:47 Blacksmith
06:49 Guard Tower
07:48 Gryphon Aviary
07:51 Arcane Sanctum
07:56 Arcane Sanctum
07:57 Gryphon Aviary
09:35 Scout Tower
10:20 Arcane Tower
12:48 Scout Tower
12:51 Scout Tower
13:48 Scout Tower
13:49 Scout Tower
13:50 Scout Tower
13:51 Scout Tower
13:52 Scout Tower
13:53 Scout Tower
13:58 Lumber Mill
14:29 Farm
14:32 Guard Tower
15:16 Guard Tower
» items
Scroll of Regeneration2
Boots of Speed1
Potion of Invisibility5
Periapt of Vitality1
Staff of Teleportation1
10 total
HumanTwilightRuins (pink | 93 APM | 1978 actions | 21:14)
Hero icon 4 Blood Mage
Ability icon 2 Flame Strike
Ability icon 2 Siphon Mana

» actions
Assign group hotkey56
Basic commands34
Build / train142
ESC pressed5
Enter build submenu42
Enter hero's abilities submenu4
Give item / drop item4
Right click717
Select / deselect316
Select group hotkey521
Use ability137
1978 total
» units
Gryphon Rider1
Dragonhawk Rider1
41 total
» upgrades
Lumber Harvesting2
Sorceress Training1
Magic Sentry1
Animal War Training1
11 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings2
Scout Tower14
Arcane Tower3
Arcane Vault2
Lumber Mill2
Town Hall1
Guard Tower29
Arcane Sanctum2
Gryphon Aviary2
82 total
» build order
00:12 Altar of Kings
00:15 Barracks
00:23 Farm
00:52 Farm
01:40 Farm
02:22 Farm
02:31 Scout Tower
02:59 Arcane Tower
03:28 Arcane Vault
04:08 Lumber Mill
04:53 Town Hall
04:56 Scout Tower
05:35 Arcane Tower
06:28 Keep
06:29 Keep
06:35 Scout Tower
06:36 Scout Tower
06:38 Scout Tower
06:42 Scout Tower
06:44 Scout Tower
06:46 Scout Tower
07:12 Guard Tower
07:12 Guard Tower
07:13 Guard Tower
07:14 Guard Tower
07:15 Guard Tower
07:15 Guard Tower
07:49 Guard Tower
07:49 Guard Tower
07:49 Guard Tower
08:37 Blacksmith
08:41 Scout Tower
08:51 Castle
08:51 Castle
08:54 Arcane Sanctum
08:58 Scout Tower
09:13 Scout Tower
09:16 Scout Tower
09:25 Guard Tower
09:25 Guard Tower
09:43 Guard Tower
09:43 Guard Tower
09:44 Guard Tower
10:04 Scout Tower
10:10 Scout Tower
10:42 Guard Tower
11:09 Guard Tower
11:09 Guard Tower
12:17 Gryphon Aviary
14:18 Gryphon Aviary
15:03 Guard Tower
16:26 Keep
16:26 Keep
17:52 Farm
17:53 Farm
18:05 Farm
18:08 Farm
18:08 Farm
18:52 Altar of Kings
18:58 Arcane Sanctum
19:41 Blacksmith
19:43 Lumber Mill
20:23 Castle
20:23 Castle
20:29 Arcane Vault
» items
Scroll of Regeneration5
Mechanical Critter3
Boots of Speed1
Potion of Invisibility8
Staff of Teleportation1
Lesser Clarity Potion4
Periapt of Vitality1
Potion of Healing2
Potion of Mana1
Scroll of Town Portal2
28 total
Humanisuckagain (orange | 73 APM | 1551 actions | 21:12)
Hero icon 4 Mountain King
Ability icon 2 Bash
Ability icon 2 Storm Bolt
Hero icon 4 Paladin
Ability icon 2 Holy Light
Ability icon 2 Divine Shield

» actions
Assign group hotkey14
Build / train80
Enter build submenu25
Enter hero's abilities submenu8
Give item / drop item3
Right click576
Select / deselect225
Select group hotkey569
Use ability51
1551 total
» units
Siege Engine2
44 total
» upgrades
Lumber Harvesting2
Animal War Training1
Priest Training1
Magic Sentry1
12 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings1
Arcane Vault1
Scout Tower5
Lumber Mill1
Arcane Tower1
Guard Tower4
Arcane Sanctum1
Town Hall1
32 total
» build order
00:08 Altar of Kings
00:14 Farm
00:24 Barracks
00:57 Farm
01:50 Farm
01:56 Arcane Vault
02:32 Farm
03:46 Keep
04:04 Scout Tower
04:08 Lumber Mill
04:12 Scout Tower
04:21 Scout Tower
04:39 Arcane Tower
05:08 Guard Tower
05:09 Guard Tower
06:11 Castle
06:30 Farm
06:48 Blacksmith
07:14 Farm
07:20 Barracks
07:53 Farm
08:08 Arcane Sanctum
08:14 Town Hall
08:21 Scout Tower
08:24 Scout Tower
08:47 Farm
08:53 Guard Tower
08:56 Guard Tower
09:35 Farm
18:29 Workshop
18:50 Farm
20:21 Workshop
» items
Scroll of Regeneration1
Boots of Speed2
Periapt of Vitality2
Scroll of Town Portal1
Orb of Fire1
7 total
Random» Undeadnew_human_123 (purple | 62 APM | 1320 actions | 21:12)
Hero icon 4 Death Knight
Ability icon 2 Death Coil
Ability icon 2 Unholy Aura
Hero icon 3 Lich
Ability icon 2 Frost Nova
Ability icon 1 Frost Armor

» actions
Assign group hotkey41
Basic commands39
Build / train46
ESC pressed1
Enter build submenu20
Enter hero's abilities submenu7
Give item / drop item2
Remove unit from queue1
Right click472
Select / deselect299
Select group hotkey355
Use ability37
1320 total
» units
Crypt Fiend6
Obsidian Statue2
28 total
» upgrades
Creature Attack2
Creature Carapace1
3 total
» buildings
Altar of Darkness1
Nerubian Tower1
Halls of the Dead2
Spirit Tower1
Tomb of Relics1
Black Citadel1
21 total
» build order
00:10 Ziggurat
00:16 Altar of Darkness
00:36 Crypt
01:08 Graveyard
01:51 Ziggurat
02:01 Nerubian Tower
03:04 Halls of the Dead
03:11 Spirit Tower
04:03 Ziggurat
04:55 Ziggurat
05:02 Tomb of Relics
05:27 Black Citadel
05:41 Crypt
07:58 Slaughterhouse
09:18 Ziggurat
14:41 Necropolis
14:49 Ziggurat
17:07 Crypt
17:10 Ziggurat
18:26 Halls of the Dead
18:33 Ziggurat

Chat log

(00:09 / Allies) CoatStoleXmas: I wonder why we keep getting same team so often
(00:19 / Allies) TwilightRuins: No idea
(00:26 / Allies) TwilightRuins: Normally we never do
(00:33 / All) CoatStoleXmas: you're a mean one, Mr. Grinch
(00:50 / Allies) isuckagain: units?
(01:23 / Allies) isuckagain: knights
(01:28 / Allies) TwilightRuins: I got air you guys get ground
(01:29 / Allies) new_human_123: frost
(01:30 / Allies) TwilightRuins: teal can get air too
(01:37 / Allies) TwilightRuins: if he likes
(01:37 / Allies) isuckagain: ssmf some priees
(01:39 / Allies) CoatStoleXmas: griffs

(03:33 / All) TwilightRuins: lvl 1 bm harassing retard
(03:45 / All) TwilightRuins: You aren't going to get anything with that bro
(03:49 / All) scoty_d: yeah buddy
(03:54 / All) scoty_d: yep 1
(03:56 / All) TwilightRuins: in that time you could be lvl 3
(04:00 / All) TwilightRuins: fucking retard
(04:03 / All) scoty_d: bah
(04:05 / All) TwilightRuins: typical 4v4 rt clown
(04:17 / All) scoty_d: ya mom is hott guy
(04:24 / All) scoty_d: she sucks my nipples
(04:26 / All) TwilightRuins: How creative
(04:28 / All) TwilightRuins: Is this 2006?
(04:34 / All) scoty_d: fag
(04:39 / All) CoatStoleXmas: is this 3000 BC Sumeria?

(08:27 / All) TwilightRuins: lucky crit nice
(08:37 / All) scoty_d: nice job bud
(08:43 / All) TwilightRuins: It's still worth it
(08:45 / All) TwilightRuins: Look at all the corpses
(08:47 / All) scoty_d: i agree
(08:47 / All) TwilightRuins: count them faggot
(08:57 / All) scoty_d: gosd yur a fuck
(08:59 / All) scoty_d: jesus
(09:04 / All) TwilightRuins: gosd
(09:04 / All) TwilightRuins: yur
(09:09 / All) TwilightRuins: Spell your native language properly
(09:15 / All) scoty_d: haha fag
(09:21 / All) scoty_d: nipples and your mom
(09:24 / All) scoty_d: yummmmmm
(09:35 / All) TwilightRuins: My mom is a post op transgender mom, use the proper pronoun
(09:39 / All) TwilightRuins: Such privilege
(09:41 / All) TwilightRuins: check your privilege
(09:42 / All) scoty_d: your mom is hott
(09:43 / All) TwilightRuins: cis scum
(09:45 / All) scoty_d: yummmmmm
(09:49 / All) scoty_d: she like my nips
(09:53 / All) TwilightRuins: HE
(10:29 / All) NobuuNaga: omg nice mh
(10:36 / All) TwilightRuins: Raped
(10:41 / All) scoty_d: like yur mom
(10:43 / All) scoty_d: hahahaha
(10:59 / All) TwilightRuins: Another original insult from green!
(11:03 / All) scoty_d: yep
(11:06 / All) TwilightRuins: Fucking cranially challenged lobotomized half-wit monkey
(11:07 / All) scoty_d: cause yur mom is hot bud
(11:09 / All) scoty_d: its ok
(11:17 / All) scoty_d: whats that .......
(11:20 / All) scoty_d: yur mom is hort
(11:47 / All) TwilightRuins: Just turtling in your base because of my harass?
(11:48 / All) TwilightRuins: lol
(11:52 / All) scoty_d: yur mom
(11:55 / All) scoty_d: and my nips
(11:57 / All) scoty_d: yummmmmmm
(12:00 / All) TwilightRuins: is that the only insult you know?
(12:06 / All) scoty_d: no no no
(12:11 / All) scoty_d: your mom nips and mine
(12:13 / All) scoty_d: so nice
(12:14 / All) scoty_d: yummmm
(12:26 / All) TwilightRuins: You are one of the least creative players I've seen both mechanically and in chat
(12:39 / All) CoatStoleXmas: invis morts
(13:05 / All) TwilightRuins: wtf was that
(13:13 / All) scoty_d: your moms nips
(13:15 / All) scoty_d: i dunnno
(13:17 / All) scoty_d: but love em
(13:19 / All) scoty_d: yummmmm
(13:39 / All) TwilightRuins: i am playing terribly this game and still dominating you
(13:54 / All) TwilightRuins: lol
(14:03 / All) scoty_d: shhhhhh
(14:12 / All) scoty_d: your mom is trying to lick my nips while we play
(14:15 / All) scoty_d: shhhhhhhh
(14:34 / Allies) CoatStoleXmas: lumber
(15:08 / Allies) isuckagain: i don't have aa
(15:32 / All) scoty_d: nipples
(15:35 / All) scoty_d: yummmmm
(15:36 / Allies) new_human_123: gold me quick
(15:37 / Allies) TwilightRuins: great allies
(15:45 / Allies) new_human_123: i make aa
(15:49 / Allies) TwilightRuins: shut the fuck up
(15:55 / Allies) CoatStoleXmas: purp didn't have anything
(15:57 / Allies) CoatStoleXmas: neither did I
(16:06 / Allies) CoatStoleXmas: orange is in his own world
(16:23 / Allies) TwilightRuins: can't believe we might lose this
(16:29 / Allies) new_human_123: quick
(16:30 / Allies) new_human_123: gold
(16:32 / Allies) new_human_123: spider with web
(16:34 / Allies) new_human_123: we win
(16:36 / All) TwilightRuins: yes just kill leftover buildings instead of going to the next base
(16:37 / Allies) isuckagain: u want me to attack air w/ melee>
(16:42 / Allies) new_human_123: teal
(16:42 / All) scoty_d: shhhhhh
(16:42 / Allies) new_human_123: gold
(16:44 / All) scoty_d: nipples
(17:07 / All) scoty_d: stop that nipples
(17:08 / Allies) TwilightRuins: can you invis me please?
(17:24 / Allies) CoatStoleXmas: did you have towers
(17:26 / Allies) TwilightRuins: yes
(17:34 / Allies) new_human_123: more gold
(17:35 / Allies) TwilightRuins: They have magic damage
(17:36 / Allies) new_human_123: to upgrade for web
(17:39 / Allies) TwilightRuins: invis
(18:04 / Allies) CoatStoleXmas: he has rifles
(18:33 / Allies) TwilightRuins: wtf
(19:00 / Allies) CoatStoleXmas: where
(19:04 / Allies) CoatStoleXmas: o
(19:14 / Allies) TwilightRuins: that took a really really long time
(19:21 / Allies) TwilightRuins: ty
(19:26 / All) TwilightRuins: lol
(19:26 / Allies) CoatStoleXmas: didn't know what you wanted
(19:31 / Allies) TwilightRuins: asked multiple times
(19:36 / Allies) TwilightRuins: doesn't matter though
(19:38 / All) TwilightRuins: A ballad of ragequits!
(19:42 / Allies) CoatStoleXmas: wasn't reading chat
(19:49 / All) scoty_d: listen to you ya fuck
(19:54 / All) scoty_d: you get so loud
(19:56 / All) TwilightRuins: You got raped
(19:56 / All) scoty_d: when won
(19:58 / All) scoty_d: hahahha
(20:01 / All) scoty_d: you faggot
(20:05 / All) scoty_d: how does it feel to want
(20:08 / All) scoty_d: for me to leave
(20:11 / All) TwilightRuins: Pretty good
(20:13 / All) TwilightRuins: I can mess around now
(20:14 / All) scoty_d: suffer faggot
(20:16 / All) scoty_d: hahahaha
(20:20 / All) TwilightRuins: I'm having a blast
(20:22 / All) TwilightRuins: Are you?
(20:25 / All) scoty_d: your mom will suck my nips while you wait
(20:27 / All) scoty_d: bah
(20:28 / All) scoty_d: fag
(20:31 / All) scoty_d: nipple fag
(20:39 / All) scoty_d: sorry guys cause poink is a fuck you wait
(20:41 / All) scoty_d: faggot
(20:48 / All) TwilightRuins: your insults are really really pathetic
(20:49 / All) scoty_d: suck a fuck
(20:52 / All) scoty_d: hahaha
(20:55 / All) scoty_d: here he gopes
(20:57 / All) TwilightRuins: "suck a fuck" are you 12?
(20:57 / All) scoty_d: faggot
(20:59 / All) TwilightRuins: honest question
(21:00 / All) scoty_d: haha
(21:02 / All) scoty_d: nipples
(21:05 / All) scoty_d: nipple fuck
(21:08 / All) scoty_d: haha